I september 2001 var det mycket skriverier om en person på internet som kallade sig för Xinoehpoel. Anledningen var att han hävdade att han var en ny Nostradamus och att hade sett att en mycket stor katastrof skulle komma att ske snart, han gav även ett datum. Allt detta skedde i ett chatt forum där alla inlägg loggades med tid och datum.

Andra personer diskuterade med denna person som verkade lätt tokig, han talade mycket om Satan och Gud och hat och så vidare. Hur som helst så menade han att ett visst datum skulle Satan hämnas människorna. Han sköt upp datumet en eller två gånger, men slutligen sade han 7 dagar före World Trade Center tragedin att Satans hämnd skulle komma den 11 september 2001.

När katastrofen så inträffade på den dagen skrev han ett långt hatiskt inlägg om att det var satan och inte Bin Laden som låg bakom.... Andra människor var naturligtvis upprörda och munhöggs med honom. 

Den här personen fick naturligtvis påhälsning av FBI, men på något sätt ansågs han oskyldig och inte länkad till dådet. Efter 9/11 har han flera gånger sagt att världen kommer att få se flera katastrofer framöver och att de kommer att bli värst under åren 2007 - 2014. 

Han sa att enda lösningen var att alla blev muslimer och att alla gick ut i öknen, undan från alla katastrofer.

Tja, trot' den som vill :-). 



From: Xinoehpoel (tesnal@psl.moc)
Subject: 911
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Date: 2001-08-31 11:03:37 PST
Something is going to happen tomorrow. This is a witness against everyone on
this newsgroup. I hate this newsgroup, and everyone on it sucks. REPENT! You
are all evil liars! Do not be so evil, and be holy. You are going to get me
killed because of the truth of my mouth. I am not telling you what is going
to happen until it does, because an EVIL and adulterous generation seeks for
a sign.


From: Thomas S. McDonald (tsmac@wwt.net)
Subject: Re: 911
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Date: 2001-09-01 20:44:01 PST
Dear Xin,
    Well, your tomorrow was yesterday.  Will you tell us now what the thing was that happened?
Peace,        Tom McDonald
Message 3 in thread
From: Xinoehpoel (tesnal@psl.moc)
Subject: Re: 911
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Date: 2001-09-02 07:11:16 PST
"This is a witness against everyone on this newsgroup."
Message 4 in thread
From: Thomas S. McDonald (tsmac@wwt.net)
Subject: Re: 911
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Date: 2001-09-02 18:14:02 PST
That's it?  "This is a witness against everyone on this
newsgroup."?  That's your big friggin' deal?  You underdid
yourself this time, Xin.  Usually I can at least rely on you
for some interesting reading.  This sucks.

From: Xinoehpoel (tesnal@psl.moc)
Subject: Re: 911
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Date: 2001-09-04 09:41:41 PST
Since when do I post prophecies, other than end of the world cataclysmic
Message 6 in thread
From: Thomas S. McDonald (tsmac@wwt.net)
Subject: Re: 911
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Date: 2001-09-04 10:35:14 PST
Dear Xin,

    The first post in this thread was from you, saying that something was going to happen on August 31, and that you
would tell us what that thing was after it happened, presumably on September 1.  I was only noticing that you
hadn't followed through on what you said you'd do, and instead had only written, "This is a witness against
everyone on this newsgroup."

    Now you write, "Since when do I post prophecies, other than end of the world ones?"  Are you now saying that you
are taking back your promise to tell us the thing that you said was going to happen on August 31?  Or are you saying
that the thing that happened August 31 was a witness against everyone in this newsgroup, with no more specification than

    Just looking for some consistency and followthrough from you.  I am interested in what happened on August 31 that
fulfilled your premonition of August 30.  Or has it not happened yet, and you are going to tell us after it does,
whatever the date?

    Tom McDonald
Message 7 in thread
From: Xinoehpoel (tesnal@psl.moc)
Subject: Re: 911
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Date: 2001-09-04 12:40:28 PST
Wait 7 days, and then maybe I'll answer this post. You see, I am going away
in seven days, and you will not hear from me again.

From: Dee (.@coeeaoeeaeeco)
Subject: Re: 911
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Date: 2001-09-04 16:52:19 PST
Then it didn't happen.

Message 8 in thread
From: Dee (.@coeeaoeeaeeco)
Subject: Re: 911
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Date: 2001-09-04 16:52:21 PST
Out on bail or what? Accept my challenge and go away with some pride in your
stupidity, fakir.

Message 9 in thread
From: Xinoehpoel (tesnal@psl.moc)
Subject: Re: 911
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Date: 2001-09-06 23:12:21 PST
What? No, I am just going away, that's all. What challenge? Ok, I'll be
proud if you want me to.

From: Xinoehpoel (tesnal@psl.moc)
Subject: Re: 911
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Date: 2001-09-06 23:16:24 PST
I said it was a witness, ie. a testimony. The testimony always comes before
the prophesied judgment. For if I no testimony had been delivered, you would
not be guilty of sin. If you've been tracking me at all, you know the
prophesies I have made. The testimony had nothing to do with any cataclysm
as you now suggest. Truly, you only see what you want to see, and for this
reason, people must be destroyed, because although they can see, they are
yet blind.

Message 12 in thread
From: Dee (.@coeeaoeeaeeco)
Subject: Re: 911
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Date: 2001-09-07 16:15:46 PST
Or your vision may be wrong. Testimony for sins among humans could have
applied since the beginning of historical times.




Message 1 in thread
From: Xinoehpoel (tesnal@psl.moc)
Subject: 911 GOD HELLP US!!!
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Date: 2001-09-11 07:43:26 PST

7 days ago I said in 7 days from then I would explain the meaning of my 911
prophecy. A witness against everyone in America!!! US, the cry of your sins
has reached unto heaven!!! Now I go away. The witness is thus completed.
After the witness, if the people don't repent, there will AN EVEN GREATER
witness, and an EVEN GREATER punishment if the people do not repent. (Of
course they wont! Only individuals repent, never the whole nation!) Don't be
stupid SUSA. Bin Laden is not responsible for these attacks. SATAN himself,
the GOD of the EARTH is responsible for these attacks, your own KING!! Check
your history, you'll see! They are a test to see if Americans are STUPID
ENOUGH to go to war with a completely INNOCENT country over it. To see if
America is STUPID ENOUGH to arrest INNOCENT people over it.

DAMN YOU MILITARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The cup of your sin in almost full. God is going to pour out his wrath all
over America. Get the hell out right now. Do not be partakers of the sins.
Quit your jobs. Go out into the deserted areas of the earth. Live there
instead. The world will be destroyed. This is unavoidable. You can only try
to take a few people with you as you go. What more can you do?

Message 2 in thread
From: naroM29A (amoran@woh.rr.com)
Subject: Re: 911 GOD HELLP US!!!
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Date: 2001-09-11 10:44:29 PST
You have got to be kidding me.
Message 9 in thread
From: Jon (jmered1@hotmail.com)
Subject: Re: 911 GOD HELLP US!!!
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Date: 2001-09-11 10:52:52 PST
Interesting how you say "Satan himself, the GOD of the EARTH" is
responsible.  I come from a Christian background and we believe the
one true God is more powerful than Satan.

The devils biggest lie was convincing the world he didn't exist.

You are one sick man and I will pray for you.

Love from Christ,
From: ed@nowhere.special (Eddie_Jones)
Subject: Re: 911 GOD HELLP US!!!
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Date: 2001-09-11 10:58:40 PST
Doesn't the Bible actually say that Satan *is* the "god" of the earth,
because of man's fall -- we signed our "rights" over to him?
From: Sluimers (sluimers@hotmail.com)
Subject: Re: 911 GOD HELLP US!!!
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Date: 2001-09-11 11:34:22 PST
Nice Prophecy kid, 
but I've got 4 questions:

1) Can you give another one? Because one prophecy right doesn't
convince me and a whole lot of people, since it could just be luck.
I mean, why should we believe you?   

2) Why should I run to deserted areas and live there? You're
predicting world war three? I don't want to live in a place and time
like that! Besides, I like my job, delivering mail and I like my

3) Why are damning teachers in general?  

4) Why are we being punished? for evilness? You've got to be kidding
me. wasn't naziism a lot worse? How about the romans? or the middle
ages? or napoleon? and why the United States?

If this is all holy stuff, then I'd say God and you shouldn't be so
vague. So I'm going to stay home and see what happens. And you know
what? I've got reasons to believe you're just plain crazy! or plane
crazy :P (sorry, I couldn't help that joke)

From: MoFiZiX Gr4FiX (mofizixgr4fix@yahoo.com)
Subject: Re: 911 GOD HELLP US!!!
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Date: 2001-09-11 13:08:12 PST
If Xinoehpoel did "forsee" this tragety......NICE CALL!!!

If Xinoehpoel was behind this tragety.......he might just as
well have been on that American Airline flight "11",
because if the USA finds his ass, he's gonna end up
a crispy critter for sure!!!

If you twisted fucks are reading this post, I hope the Devil
himself shoves his red hot poker up your ass!!!

No freekin respect for human life!!!
From: Xinoehpoel (tesnal@psl.moc)
Subject: Re: 911 GOD HELLP US!!!
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Date: 2001-09-11 15:20:36 PST
Some would say the same of Yahweh.
From: clarence pringle (pringle@gci.net)
Subject: Re: 911 GOD HELLP US!!!
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Date: 2001-09-11 15:07:22 PST
I hope the FBI gets ahold of this thread . Even if this idiot isnt
responsible he seems to want people to think so. Im sure you will get your
wish of life in prison or better yet death.. I guarantee the feds will take
this email extremly seriously and whether or not your involved doesnt matter
at this point , you have given them the leads they are after.. A perfect
example of why we need mental institutes & capital punishment.
Message 4 in thread
From: Xinoehpoel (tesnal@psl.moc)
Subject: Re: 911 GOD HELLP US!!!
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Date: 2001-09-11 15:19:36 PST
Message 85 in thread
From: Captain Pervert (captainpervert@home.nl)
Subject: Re: 911 GOD HELLP US!!!
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Date: 2001-09-11 15:31:58 PST
I 0wn j00. 

I pity you fool. If it's true - and I serieusly doubt that - that you
have ANYTHING to do with the tragedies that took place today...

Wim will come for you. 

Pain. Sucker.
From: Xinoehpoel (tesnal@psl.moc)
Subject: Re: 911 GOD HELLP US!!!
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Date: 2001-09-11 15:37:26 PST
Being the winning side doesn't make your attack justified. After America
"wins" they will get it in the end when God comes to save the day.

From: Xinoehpoel (tesnal@psl.moc)
Subject: Re: 911 GOD HELLP US!!!
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Date: 2001-09-11 15:37:27 PST
I gave about FIVE or so in another post. Watch it all unfold baby.

God doesn't much give a lick what you want. He only cares about the

Teachers are workers of Satan! They mind-control innocent children!!!

Well, individuals maintain a semblance of being non-evil, even though they
can be still pretty wicked, but as  a whole man must be punished for his
tolerance of evil, even though he is too stupid to realize it as such.

The times, the times. It is all the same. BUT, in all those years, there are
only two judgments determined on par with the Flood of Noah, and it just so
happens we are looking at the second one in our near future.

Sluimers, I can see you are doubtful of the future I have clearly told you
would unfold before your eyes, but I can see you are at least open to the
possibility of fleeing to the desert to live there. All I can say is, think
about it a little more. Being open to the possibility is nothing alone,
until you actually make it happen, and thereby save the lives of your loved

From: Xinoehpoel (tesnal@psl.moc)
Subject: Re: 911 GOD HELLP US!!!
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Date: 2001-09-11 15:40:26 PST
ArchAngel <xgerm@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> U are full of shit trying to scare people...

X- Who the hell am I trying to scare? NO ONE

............The fact that your race
> is inferior to ours proves nothing, your fate has been sealed just
> like the japanese had theirs sealed ...


just wait... there is always
> justice everyqhere and SATAN knows this...

From: YouWish (youwish@nospam.now)
Subject: Re: 911 GOD HELLP US!!!
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Date: 2001-09-11 16:28:31 PST
Yeah right, and fuck you fanatic Islams!
I'm glad most of the Islam people is not thinking the way you do. You
should be ashamed of this coward acts.
From: Tempest (tempest@hotmail.com)
Subject: Re: 911 GOD HELLP US!!!
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Date: 2001-09-11 16:40:09 PST
Funny, you sound like a fanatic American...
Message 5 in thread
From: TheNews (bigbob7m@yahoo.com)
Subject: Re: 911 GOD HELLP US!!!
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Date: 2001-09-11 17:51:09 PST
aww man, this guy is such a fucking retard. repent this, repent that, just
stfu...you and youre people will pay, damn sand niggers.  are you going to
tell me to repent this too? well fuck off asshole..god damn im pissed off
right now.
From: Meme (quicksilverspy@hotmail.com)
Subject: Re: 911 GOD HELLP US!!!
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Date: 2001-09-11 18:44:11 PST
You are sick. I beat you sit at home all day downloading porn and
masterbating. Have you ever been out of your house?
DAMN YOU MILITARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean really. Its that over doing it? WHy u spouting all this relgion
bullsh*t when u damn christians to hell. Anyway, I think you're upset
over god giving you a small penis. :-) CAn we say penis? I'm sure even
Satan would frown at what happened today. But i'm sure ur glowing with
pride cuz your bbf with who ever did this. and if u dont know what bbf
means ask someone. There was no point in todays attack except to kill
innocent people, but then again no one is innocent to you. What made
you so f*cked up? Must be real mad about that micopenis and never
getting laid.
I pity your sorry ass.
From: filar (mdm1827@yahoo.com)
Subject: Re: 911 GOD HELLP US!!!
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Date: 2001-09-11 18:50:23 PST
ok ill make this simple after surving the worst thing i have eever
seen.. i have 1 thing to say why r u being such a chickenshit if u
really want to say something then get on the news cliam responsibility
in the meantime.. while i try to get the image of 2 planes and 100s of
people goin thud in front of me as i try to run for my fuckin life..
why not come see me and wee can go before god in death and see who the
fuck can win u stupid piece of shit i hope u die !!!
From: Char Fox (CFox@techtrek.com)
Subject: Re: 911 GOD HELLP US!!!
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Date: 2001-09-11 19:05:19 PST
I've never posted here, but saw it elsewhere and reported it,
along with many others. I don't know how this total lunatic
nutcase posted 911 as the subject and said "in 7 days" on 9/4,
but he did. It could either be coincidence, some kind of vision,
or he knew something. Either way...it took total lunatics to pull
a stunt such as this, and this is a total lunatic posting who
can't even decide whether just America, the whole world, or the
world with the exception of a few loved ones, will perish. He's
crazy. You can't argue with a crazy person.
From: entropy (entropy158@aol.com)
Subject: Re: 911 GOD HELLP US!!!
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Date: 2001-09-11 19:18:03 PST
He is right, you must repent your sins, Judgements have already begun,
save yourselves if you have the faith to do so.  Also, X, you say you
have further prophecy information to post? Please do so.
From: PoK (sykoillusion@hotmail.com)
Subject: Re: 911 GOD HELLP US!!!
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Date: 2001-09-11 19:45:41 PST

i think everyone just needs to sit down, smoke a joint, and frikken
this guy is just jerkin on your chain, hes some worn out office clerk
that has nothing better to do than to act like someone "enlightened".
the world isnt gonna come to an end, and it probably never will in our
lifetime.  so, yes..... you have to get up and go to work tomorrow..
so get that joint fired up, its gonna be a long day.

+karma to all of you good people out there, who just chill at home and
dont fuck with ppl. may you all have happy lives shootin' the breeze
and not worryin about this nonsence.
RIP for those who died innocently in the "whos got a bigger dick" way
of society. You bomb my land.. i bomb your land. children with a taste
of testosterone. well congrats, they have killed alot of our ppl, and
lost a few of theirs, nice big dick they have there. wheres the
thrill? its pointless, but shit happens.

my advice to everyone.. chill the fuck out, why is everyone taking
life so seriously? no one is gonna get through alive... NO ONE! we are
ALL going to die someday, so be glad that you are alive, and leave
eachother alone. that goes for you terrorist losers, get a fuckin
life.. i know you ppl got mad dope over there, cultivate marijuana, do
something worthwhile! instead of breakin shit.
From: Kim Caton (catonk@bellsouth.net)
Subject: Re: 911 GOD HELLP US!!!
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Date: 2001-09-11 20:45:10 PST
Mr. Xinoehpoel both the local FBI field office and CNN have been faxed
copies of your "prophecy." I thought I'd let you know. I hope they get
your ass and make you burn, you son of a bitch.