(Still under serious construction)

Good Man (or woman), welcome!!

And here's where it all starts...  (Index)
(Or, the closest to an index you will ever get on this page...)
Yes, yes, we KNOW that it's better with a index, but can U think of any better way to make U read all this nonsens to find the interesting links?

The historical facts

This Homepages history (not log, that's something completely different) -why this is at all readable was stated on the page You probably came from if You just now stepped into our dungeons. That page is called the "are U sure page?". If you already spent an hour here you might have missed it or forgot it. In either case it's still possible to read it now -unless You have been drinking seriously the last fifteen minutes or just stepped on your glasses while getting another vanilla/cinnamon roll from the kitchen. However, if You need it -here it is: "Are U sure page?" This site's History (Change management) Not yet in place (or even useful yet), but we do plan to keep a log on all changes to the site. Why this would interest you? -"I donut know, I don't care" as my friend Martins American friend said while visiting Martin here in Stockholm Sweden. That, Martin later understood, meant "this place is small and expensive and I thought that you would pay for everything please let's leave and go home". Anyway If.. you become addicted to this site, you might wanna know if we have added some new info, text or whole pages to the site. That stuff will probably be filed here in the Change management page. The site structure Often while surfing the waves of www at least I get surprised that large companies www sites are so unstructured. They usually have several sites or forums going on different parts of the web. And when you use one of their links U never know where U end up. Often you find stuff by accident rather that searching for it in a library or similar. This is one of our headaches -how to do this properly and without to much of an effort.

So far the general structure is like this:

(No picture yet, hold your burrito, we haven't come up with a good way of doing this either)
Members of the Strom clan
The family tree is growing and thriving  here. On the tree You'll find links to various parts of the family. 
Right now there is no personal pages but a test or two, but in time there will be several.
(A little word of advise though.. There are some Nördlanders involved which might cloud your experience a bit…)
How to get in contact with us? Well, if you feel that you just can`t contain yourself then there are means of communications. You can write something witty in the guestbook. Or you can write to us via the guestbook by choosing private message. Or u can write the web master, but he or she might be slooow so it could take a few days before we answer. Ongoing Projects Here's where we occasionally will write about our family projects. Right now there are several so big that we haven't got the time to document them here... Let's just say it's enough to keep us busy for the next couple of years or so! Recipe's or something like that We will most definitely have a recipe section. As we "speak" a quest for family recipes is ongoing. Or mother Ethel was "famous" among friends as a tremendous cook and she could throw together a  feast for a number of people suddenly breaking the calm at our parents summer place, of virtually nothing.
So please be patient...
Mixed up? When we got the spirit, quiet a few of us are handy with words or hands. We sometime writes words of wisdom,  sour remarks to whoever is worth it or just thoughts for the day. We also are making and selling a lot of handcraft; stuff, santa in snow, santa in more snow, little Santa's in snow on veichle (Not riding a bull). And that's 'cause in Sweden we haven't just got THE SANTA, we also have little Santa's, like elf's or something. They used to live on the farms helping the inhabitants through the though Swedish winters
(-35 celsius is not a surprise). Nowadays we're not sure where they are hiding, sure -we still got farms, but not as many as before. Anyway the search is on for santas!
Here U might also find us nag about stuff that annoys us. Sometimes. Here's the link: Mixed up? !
Links..... Links to pages (not ours) that other people want us to tell U to go to (but we want U to stay with us). Anyway feel free to go there, see if we care...
Links to whatever
Headlines to come:  
Whisky-  Stuff we sniffed, tested and enjoyed. And of course drank, and drank and drank....
Music- Stuff we listens to, maybe even stuff we wrote?
Cars- Stuff we drive, drove and wanna drive
Photos- Stuff we nailed with a camera of some sort.
Stuff- Stuff (old broken and no longer working) we wanna sell... -or buy

Stroms Navigator window without frames. (Not yet fully initialized)
The very first one:õMainpage  Random pages: Mail to us:web.master@strom.nu It's like very good to have:öIndex
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